Welcome to the USNSCC

Black Eagles Squadron.

We want to make sure that you have all the information you need
as you come aboard and join the Black Eagles Squadron.

Anytime you need information about the Sea Cadet program, you can go to our Home Port at:


That will take you here!  The Homeport is where you can find everything you need regarding
Sea Cadet coursework, trainings, forms, etc.

There’s even a Parent Handbook to help.

New Recruits

Once you have turned in your New Cadet Application you will also need:

  • Physical Exam from your physician (from page 5-6 of the application)
  • A copy of your immunization records
  • School grade report from most recent semester

At the first available time, you will be sent to the supply officer who will issue you uniforms, sea bag, etc.  In addition to what you are issued, you will need to purchase:

We get a lot of questions about everything that has to be sewn on the uniforms.
Here are some links to help you:

As you should have learned in orientation, there are 4 requirements to advance in rank:

  1. Time in Rank–6 months  (4 months for League Cadets)
  2. Completed Course Work
  3. Pass the PRT
  4. Attend a training

Monthly Drill

We have drill once a month throughout the year. You can find the calendar on this website.

When you click on a drill date, it will pull up the details for that drill including the POM (Plan of the Month), which is typically ready 2 weeks before the drill date.

Attendance at drill is a mandatory part of being in the Sea Cadets, and any absences need to be notified in advance through the chain of command.  Every Recruit/Cadet should know who their squad leader is and their Leading Petty Officer (LPO).  Additionally, contact information for the officers are listed on the top of the Plan of the Day (POD).

Course Work

The first course you will take is the Navy BMR (Basic Military Requirements).  There are 15 assignments that are mandatory and will bring you up to speed with the basics of Navy history, regulations, customs and courtesies, as well as procedures.

With each new rank, there is additional coursework.  The BMR is the longest.  This along with all of our training courses can be found in the training tab of the Homeport website under “Cadet Advancement”.

To get there right away, click on this link to get to the USNSCC BMR.  Here you will find the BMR.  There are 22 chapters, and 15 assignments.  You can download the entire BMR, and this includes the chapters, with all of the assignments at the end.

Next you will need to download the answer sheets.  You can download the answer sheet here, then print 15 copies for your BMR.  You will also need these answer sheets for all the other coursework you will be doing.

As you finish your BMR lessons, scan and email them to:  Training@AZSeaCadets.org

Once you finish the whole BMR you can go to Recruit Training.  Then for each rank advancement there is additional coursework that can also be found on the USNSCC Homeport.

PRT (Physical Readiness Test)

The USNSCC PRT consists of:

  • Situps  (60 seconds)
  • Pushups (60 Seconds)
  • 1 Mile Run

Every recruit/cadet must pass the PRT twice a year.  Recruits attending RT are required to pass the PRT at the beginning and end of their training.  All the details of the PRT can be found on the USNSCC Homeport page.  Here you can download the manual which describes each requirement and has the passing requirements based on age and gender.

Cadets can receive ribbons for achieving “Good” and “Excellent” scores on their PRT.  Those standards are included in the PRT Manual.

Some Advanced Trainings have more requirements that are tougher, that will be listed on the training sites.

Recruit and Advanced Trainings

One of the best parts of the Sea Cadet program is going to trainings.  Every recruit must first attend Recruit Training (RT) which is a 9-14 day training and re-enforces everything they’ve learned in the BMR.  Information about trainings can be found on the Homeport here.

  1. The first step in signing up is letting the Training Officer know, and filling out the Cadet Training Authority form and submitting it to the Training Officer (scan/email to: training@AZSeaCadets.org).
  2. The unit staff will submit paperwork to the training commander, once approved, payment for training will be required.
  3. Once confirmed for the training, travel plans can be made and submitted as required.
  4. Training command will send out any other necessary information including travel requirements, Sea Bag Lists, etc.

Advanced trainings may have AGE, RANK, additional PRT requirements.  Cadets are expected to know what is required and be able to meet those requirements within the time allotted.   Some advanced trainings are not first come first served, but an application type process due to the nature of the training or just the high demand and limited spots.

We want to make sure that every cadet has the opportunity and ability to go to 1 or 2 trainings a year.  We also know that finances might be a struggle for some.  If the cost of training or transportation is ever an issue, we ask that you reach out to us, because there are a few options on how we can help.

  • Scholarships — each year we are able to provide a couple scholarships for training on an as needed basis.
  • Recruit 3 Train For Free  — For every 3 new cadets or adult volunteers you bring into the Sea Cadets, you earn a free training.
  • Fundraising  —  We’ve developed a few different fundraisers that cadets can do.  Each of them will likely take about 10-15 hours of work, but in that time they should be able to raise enough for training and transportation.

Annual Inspection

Every Sea Cadet unit goes through an annual inspection. The inspection covers:

  • Cadets in their dress uniform
  • Attendance at drill – cadets and officers
  • Coursework completed throughout the year
  • Training attended throughout the year
  • PRT scores for the unit
  • Number of Cadets and Adult officers
  • Drill audit for required class work (Drug and Alcohol, Fraternization, Hazing)
  • Paperwork audit
  • Financial audit

In a sense it’s the culmination and documentation of everything we’ve accomplished throughout the year.  Quite frankly, our feeling is that if we are going to be a part of this unit, we want to do everything the BEST.  We lose points on the inspection when cadets quit, for poor attendance, for lack of training, failing and poor PRT scores, and so forth.  So we want to do everything we can to have your cadet’s experience in the Sea Cadets be life changing for them, and we want to do it in a way that helps the unit SHINE!

Every Cadet will get out of the program whatever they put into it.  
We just ask that if you are in, that you are ALL IN!